Since 2007 Dr. Barry Kerzin has been visiting Japan to teach people and groups in every corner of Japan. This includes university students, doctors, nurses, dentists, physical therapists, psychotherapists, teachers, business leaders, monks, and those close to death as well as their family members. Thus he has been teaching very young people, middle-aged people and also the elderly.

As an outgrowth of these activities, The Human Values Institute was born in 2010. It is expanding its work.

We are contributing to enhancing a meaningful quality of life, to better and more comprehensive medical and mental health care, so that more people can live fuller happier lives. Developing more self-confidence free of arrogance makes a person happier. He or she is better equipped to think about and engage in helping others. This reduces self-destructive behavior and harmful behavior towards family members, and others. At the time of our death we will be more accepting and die more peacefully with less regret. Hence our lives become more meaningful.

Meditation helps us to understand better the nature of the minds. This brings more inner peace and relaxation. It becomes a buffer to our ordinary busy stressful lives. It reduces rumination and multi-tasking when it is not needed. These approaches collectively allow us to maintain better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.