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Being home

Come back home, again and again. Come back to the present and find your center. Find your balance. Balance your mind and balance your energies. This is your home. It is always with you, even […]

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The balance between alertness and relaxation

Deeply relax while staying alert. We tend to get caught up and swept away. We become too intense, or sometimes the opposite too complacent, and give up. The Japanese have this expression for giving up, […]

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When you are meditating

Balance is the key. Too much excitement and we are distracted and jittery. Too much relaxation and we are dull and sleepy. Bring this alertness – relaxation balance into all aspects of your life. Bring […]

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Be calm and balanced

The strength of our emotional patterns can be overwhelming. Given the right circumstances, that are not always obvious, the same patterns of anger, jealousy, pride, and attachment recur. They seem to come out of the […]

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Finding the right balance

Finding the right balance in our relationship with our ego is very important. We tend to undershoot or overshoot. Either we are in a funky mood and put ourself down, or we feel better than […]


Balancing alertness and relaxation

Balancing alertness and relaxation is important in meditation. If the mind is too alert it can break like a too-tight guitar string, becoming easily distracted. If the mind is too relaxed, the sound of the […]

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The eight worldly concerns

When we are happy we get excited. When we are down we get sad. But why? Learning equanimity with the eight worldly concerns is important, at least to try. They are: reputation and disgrace; praise […]


Always think of others

Always think of others. When you are happy, think of others. When you are down, think of others. As you breathe, imagine with the in-breath take away all the suffering from everyone. With the out-breath […]